Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism, no. 3 released

Published: January 9, 2019

The International Walter Pater Society is pleased to announce that Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism, no.3, is now ready for distribution. The issue, which focuses on Italy and the fin-de-siècle imagination, contains seven new essays. Laurel Brake addresses ‘Walter Pater’s Road to the Renaissance’. Silvia Antosa reveals Frances Elliot’s ‘idle wanderings’ through Sicily and Italy. Charlotte Ribeyrol traces a ‘chromatic itinerary’ through John Singer Sargent’s and Vernon Lee’s early works. Margaret D. Stetz explores Richard Le Gallienne and the ‘two Dantes’. Rebecca N. Mitchell discusses Herbert Horne’s ‘scholarly air’. Kristin Mahoney examines the ‘queer cosmopolitanism’ of Capri. And Stefano Evangelista analyzes the intellectual relationship between Vernon Lee and Mario Praz. There are reports on the progress of the Oxford English Texts edition of Pater’s Collected Works and on the recent IWPS conference on ‘Curiosity and Desire in fin-de-siècle Art and Literature’. J.B. Bullen, Michael Craske, Fraser Riddell, and John Stokes have contributed reviews.

In May 2018, with the support of the Center and the Clark, the IWPS held the special conference, Curiosity and Desire in Fin-De-Siècle Art and Literature. The Center’s Associate Director for Special Projects, UCLA Professor Joseph Bristow, was instrumental in bringing this international conference to the Clark. Professor Bristow also serves on the editorial board of Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism.

Subscriptions to the journal, which include SWPA nos. 3 and 4 and membership of the IWPS, run from 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019. The price is $37 (USD) for individuals and $50 (USD) for institutions. The payment portal can be found on the IWPS website: