Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellows

Jonah Rowen, The New School
“Forests, Forced Labor, Fittings, Finish: Mahogany and Architecture across the Black Atlantic”

Lindsay Barbara Foertsch Wells, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Evergreen Empire: The Horticultural Politics of British Painting, 1848–1910”

Zachary Todd Fruit, University of Pennsylvania
“The Lie of the Land: Landscape Aesthetics and British Realism”

Sarah A. Grunnah, University of Oxford
“La Mujer Por Fuerza: English-language Translation And Performance”

Richard W Huddleson, Queen Mary, University of London
“Queer(y)ing Spanish Golden Age Theatre”

Christopher Michael Blakley, The McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
“Inhuman Empire: Slavery and Nonhuman Animals in the British Atlantic World”

Andrew James Kettler, University of Toronto
“Perceptions of Cattle, Chattel, and Capital in the British Atlantic World”

Payton Phillips Quintanilla, UCLA
“Mines, Metals, and Mary: Early Modern Spaces, Materials, and Imagined Worlds in Transit and Translation”

Elisa Antonietta Daniele, Ca’Foscari University
“Ballets and Masques of the Nations: Translating and Staging the Four Corners of the World in the First Half of the 17th Century”

Nathan Gies, Towson University
“Candor and Experiences of Mediation”

Matthew James Rigilano, State University of New York at Buffalo
“The Prosaic Unconscious: Excess and Subjectivity in British Writing, 1660–1800”

Jessica Roberson, University of California, Riverside
“Romanticism and the Making of Media Mortality”

Ariane Nada Helou, University of California, Santa Cruz
“Figures of Voice in Early Modern Europe”

Sheiba Kian Kaufman, University of California, Irvine
“The Hospitable Globe: Persia and the Early Modern English Stage”

Murat Umut Inan, Social Sciences University of Ankara
“Ottomans’ Persophilia: The Contexts and Uses of the Persian Language in the Ottoman World, 1600–1900”

Marc Toutant, VU University Amsterdam
“Replacing Persian as the Main Literary Language: Policies of Turcicization in the Khiva Khanate (from the Late 18th Century to the Late 19th Century)”

Matthew A. Goldmark, University of Pennsylvania
“Bad Examples: The Troubled Futures of Kinship in Colonial Spanish America”

Elizabeth Montanez-Sanabria, University of California, Davis
“Dangerous Encounters: Pirates, Indians, and Commercial Companies in Darien, 1600–1780”

Eric J. Otremba, Macalester College
“Experimental Empire: Science, Sugar, and Plantation Slavery in the English Atlantic, 1626–1688”

Fabien Montcher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
“The Hispanic Monarchy and the Global History Market: An Early Modern Political Laboratory”

Aaron Olivas, University of California, Los Angeles
“Loyalty and Disloyalty to the Bourbon Dynasty in Spanish America and the Philippines during the War of the Spanish Succession, 1700–1715”

Amanda Snyder, Florida International University
“Pirates, Exiles, and Empire: English Seamen, Atlantic Expansion, and the Case of Spanish Jamaica, 1569–1692”

Zirwat Chowdhury, Northwestern University
“British Neo-Classicism and the ‘Asiatick’ Pantheon”

Spencer Jackson, University of California, Los Angeles
“The Making and the Unmaking of the Modern Subject in Anglophone Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century”

Emily Weissbourd, University of Pennsylvania
“Those Kind of People: Genealogies of Race and Religion in Early Modern English and Spanish Literature”

Andrew Devereux, Johns Hopkins University
“Sovereignty and Orthodoxy: A Shared Political Vocabulary of Empire in the Christian and Islamic Mediterranean”

William Goldman, Stanford University
“Travel and Legend: English Travel Writers and Anti-Spanish Rhetoric in Seventeenth-Century England”

Elisha Cohn, Johns Hopkins University
“Cultures of Aestheticism and the Science of Mind”

Renee Fox, Princeton University
“Necromantic Victorians: History, Reanimation, and Political Aesthetics”

Neil Hultgren, California State University, Long Beach
“Melodrama and the Plots of Empire in Late Victorian Literature”

Thomas Lolis, University of Miami
“Visionary Branding: The Philadelphian Society and the Development of Early Modern Christian Mysticism”

Brendan Prawdzik, University of California, Berkeley
“Milton on Stage: Drama, Sin, and the Holy Script”

Jordana Rosenberg, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
“Critical Enthusiasm: Capital Accumulation and the Transformation of Religious Passion”

Sarah Crabtree, Fairleigh Dickinson University
“A Holy Nation: The Quaker Itinerant Ministry in an Age of Revolution”

Anthony Galluzzo, University of California, Los Angeles
“Radical Republic of Letters: Anglo-American Literature in the 1790s”

Jenna Gibbs, University of California, Los Angeles
“Performing the Temple of Liberty: Slaves, Rights, and Revolution in Transatlantic Theatricality (1760s–1840s)”

Aris Sarafianos, University of Manchester
“The Politics of ‘Prodigious Excitement’: Art, Anatomy, and Physiology for the Age of Opposition”

Frédéric Gabriel, Sorbonne University
Loci Theologici: Medication, Casuistry, and Politics of the Self. Puritanism and European Tradition”