Volumes Published
- Vital Matters: Eighteenth-Century Views of Conception, Life and Death. Edited by Helen Deutsch and Mary Terrall. University of Toronto Press, Center/Clark Series, 2012.
- Space and Self in Early Modern Culture. Edited by David Sabean and Malina Stefanovska. University of Toronto Press, Center/Clark Series, 2012.
- Redrawing the Map of Early Modern English Catholicism. Edited by Lowell Gallagher. University of Toronto Press, Center/Clark Series, 2012.
- Structures of Feeling in Seventeenth-Century Cultural Expression. Edited by Susan McClary. University of Toronto Press. Center/Clark Series, 2013.
- The Wilde Discoveries: Traditions, Histories, Archives. Edited by Joseph Bristow. University of Toronto Press, Center/Clark Series, 2013.
Volumes in Press
- Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas: Textualities, Intellectual Disputes, Intercultural Transfers. Edited by Clorinda Donato. University of Toronto Press, Center/Clark Series. (early 2014)